What We Fund

What does the foundation invest in?

  • programs for the homeless
  • programs to alleviate hunger
  • healthcare for the poor
  • scholarships for non-traditional students

Where does the foundation invest?

  • Domanica Foundation invites grant proposals from San Diego and Denver non-profit organizations whose goals are compatible with our funding priorities.
  • Domanica's philanthropy in New Mexico is limited to current recipients, other New Mexico nonprofits are currently not being considered at this time.
  • First time recipients generally receive between $1,000 and $5,000.
Who is eligible to apply?
  • IRS qualified charitable 501(c)(3) organizations
Who is not eligible?
  • individuals
  • fraternal, veteran, labor or athletic organizations serving a limited constituency
  • political or lobbying organizations
  • capital fund drives
  • private foundations
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